Ace online. Ace Online

Some of these maps are restricted to low level players, which they cannot access until a certain level or by fulfilling a certain condition e A player can only purchase the items from the item shop using currency that must be purchased through a website via a Ace Online account
Whoever controls "Zaylope Beach" will have the chance to destroy it and receive its rare drops if "Pathos" should spawn Battling over these maps often results in tens of thousands of NCPs gained for either nation, speeding up the spawning of motherships see below for motherships

Ace Online

Arena battles usually give a small amount of NCP compared to Strategic Points and Mothership wars.

Ace Online
For the sixth enchant and onward, there is a chance to break the weapon
Ace Online
A nation leader one elected for every month for BCU and ANI can choose when a "mothership" - a stationary target which players must attack or defend - spawns
Ace Online
The two nations in question are Bygeniou City United BCU and Arlington National Influence ANI
The item shop also includes "Weapon Gamble", "Enhancements", "Enchant Protection" and "Legending" services Russia OhLaLa Interactive South East Asia Release May 26, 2006 International September 26, 2008 North American Relaunch 3D Space Shooter Mode s Ace Online or AirRivals is a MMOG developed by MasangSoft Inc
When players create their account, they can choose their fighter, each with different play styles Europe North America Axeso5 Latin America Winner Online Thailand VTC Online Vietnam Yetime China Gamon Taiwan Arario Corp

Ace Online

The leader may also appoint two sub-leaders who can help them lead the nation.

Ace Online
Weapon Gamble allows weapons to be "gambled" and enchanted
Ace Online
These wars are heavily appreciated among the population
Ace Online
The intruder can call upon reinforcements or assistance
The North American release would soon follow, with hosting from Suba Games beginning on September 26, 2008, titled Ace Online When a Strategic Point is destroyed, all attackers gain 300 War Points and a "SPI Capsule", which provides them with SPI the game's currency
NCP are also gained for other events, such as Strategic Points, Mothership wars, and Arena battles This card randomly gambles the weapon stats with prefix and suffix to add extra attributes to the weapon

Ace Online

An announcement is made to all players of both nations which map the Strategic Point has spawned in.

Ace Online
It has typical MMORPG elements such as leveling, currency, a skill system and combat mostly based on player equipment and level
Ace Online
If the mothership is not completely destroyed in two hours, it will despawn
Ace Online
This provides them a defensive bonus, and the standard color for their name changes to a bright green, where they are easily identified