الصحابه جمع صحابي وهو. Makale » DergiPark

The pioneers of those were the sahaba of the prophet Muhammad they settled in the most of these countries they went to some of the Muslims remained there as princes or Governs or teacher to preach people İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi , 0 45 , 289-312
İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 0 2016 : 289-312 Chicago Elhuut, M

النوع الرابع: الخبر الآحاد: ويدخل تحته أربع طرق

But what still remains is the question who is the sahabi Abdurrahman.

النوع الرابع: الخبر الآحاد: ويدخل تحته أربع طرق
Ali Muhammed Muavvid - Adil Ahmed Abdulmevcud
الملف العلمي
Qaliqala Erzurum was one of these districts, which got the first degree for the sahaba of the prophet Muhammad Erzurum interred the tomb of the Abdurrahman Gazi this makes a witness of Erzurum specialty to the prophet followers
Makale » DergiPark
Mahmud Muhammed et-Tenahi, Abdulfettah Muhammed Helv
2016; 0 45 : 289-312 2016; 0 45 : 289-312
During the Islamic faith, Muslims spread all over the world stand west 304771 T2 - İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi JF - Journal JO - JOR SP - 289 EP - 312 VL - 0 IS - 45 SN - 2458-7508-2602-3946 M3 - doi: 10

النوع الرابع: الخبر الآحاد: ويدخل تحته أربع طرق


الملف العلمي
تعريف الصحابي

المطلب الثاني: التعريف الاصطلاحي


النوع الرابع: الخبر الآحاد: ويدخل تحته أربع طرق
النوع الرابع: الخبر الآحاد: ويدخل تحته أربع طرق