my brother and I like to play computer game when we finish our homework | �� 堧�� 堶堭� 堧 堨�� 塈堮堭 堶堭� � 堶堭�� �堸� 塈����� ��堻堛 ��� 塈�堶堭�� |
noun as adjective: Describes another noun--for example, boat race, dog food | co 堭堻塈埵� ��堶堥�堥堜 堥塈�塈�堿��堬� �堛堭堿�堜 - ��堹� 堥�堭� 堿��� 塈�媢婺�堜 �媯媟�堶 堛塈堭�堮� �奡堛� �� 塈����堜 塈�堨媞堭���堜 ��媞塈���塈��塈 堥塈�堨�堿��堬�堜: Megalomania �� �堛媢�� �堻�塈堻 塈�媢婺�堜� ��媯� 堶塈�堜 �� ��� 塈�塈媢堛�塈堹 堶�堳 �堥塈�媞 塈�堨�堻塈� 堥�媯� ��堻� 堥�塈 �堮塈�� 塈��塈�媢 ��堹媢� 塈�堛�塈� �塈堥��塈堛 塈堻堛堳�塈埵�堜 ��堹堭塈堛 |
Few people understand that the madness of spring is the result of the sadness of autumn.
I have fallen in love with you - ��堹 ��媢堛 �� 堶堥� | I will keep on loving you |
Thanks for being totally amazing | No benefit of a right without a left |
You are forever the hero of my heart.