Zoom login. LegalZoom

Chat copy and paste enabled - more information available from Prevent Zoombombing Uninvited participants harassing students, faculty and staff during classes and meetings has been on the rise recently Record to the Zoom cloud for convenient sharing and storage cloud recording storage is now available for 120 days - more information is available from• including how to lock your virtual classroom, control screen sharing, lock down the chat, remove a participant and more• Here are videos demonstrating how to download and install Zoom as well as sign-in using Single Sign-On SSO , on a number of devices, with your CSU credentials
Click Sign In with SSO• Unfortunately, we can't refund or credit any money paid to government entities, such as filing fees or taxes, or to other third parties with a role in processing your order Our Zoom Meeting is open Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm


Contact the to request a license for up to 3,000 webinar participants.

exe file which can be downloaded at this link
If you paid for your original order by check, LegalZoom will mail a check for the applicable amount to your billing address
edu the numbers are the last two digits of you CUNY EMPLID
In addition, you can review the They are designed to get participants "up to speed in less than an hour
Team chat How do I download and install Zoom? " Meetings versus Webinars The Meeting and Webinar platforms offer similar features and functionality but have some key differences edu and your Account ID password, like you use for logging into Blackboard or Microsoft O365


Please contact the Service Desk if you need additional assistance.

What is Zoom and how is it used? click on the icon of the device you are using for detailed instructions• Problems like these are beyond our control and are not covered by this guarantee
Since the process involved in starting a business can be complicated, we provide services to help , , , and take care of many of the legal requirements related to starting and running a business
Training and Resources Getting started• Doing so helps create a more direct sense of engagement with other participants