خاتمة عن التعليم عن بعد. تقرير عن التعليم عن بعد قصير مميز وجديد

As countries around the world tend to pay attention to distance education to achieve the desired scientific leap in controlling epidemics and diseases and face more difficult challenges that may face the next generation, who must receive faith, science and good feelings with others and reconcile with oneself In its unique qualitative transfer of the unique technological development and transformation that knocked on our doors and entered our world without permission in the stage of Corona disease, which required the world to take distance education as a principled and indispensable approach
Distance education began in the nineteenth century when the method of learning by correspondence appeared through the postal services, which used to transfer printed and written study material between teachers and students, with the emergence of radio and the beginning of radio broadcasting, radio was used in distance education and the voice component was the biggest influence in the education process And people were able to record and broadcast many educational programs, with the advancement of science television and video cassette appeared and the availability of distance education through sound, image and satellites

خاتمة بحث عن التعليم


مقدمة وخاتمة بحث عن التعليم عن بعد
خاتمة عن التعليم عن بعد
سلبيات وإيجابيات التعلم عن بعد

مقدمة وخاتمة بحث عن التعليم عن بعد


تقرير عن التعليم عن بعد قصير مميز وجديد
خاتمة عن التعليم عن بعد
بحث شامل عن التعليم عن بعد