في عهد من زيد الاذان الثاني لصلاة الجمعة. محمد

In the central Islamic lands" The Bustan al-Ukul, by Nathanael ibn al-Fayyumi, edited and translated by David Levine, Columbia University Oriental Studies Vol
Kafih Jerusalem, 1984 , ch

موسوعة الفتاوى

Symmetries of Nature: A Handbook for Philosophy of Nature and Science.

Peter Teed 1992 , p
Moreover, many of them provide evidence of embellishment and invention that were introduced to serve the purposes of political or religious apologetic
sources are not contemporaneous with the events they purport to relate and sometimes were written many centuries later
Denis Gril, Miracles, , Brill, 2007
Lapidus 2002 , pp 0 Seeing Islam as others saw it: a survey and evaluation of Christian, Jewish, Robert G

موسوعة الفتاوى


Walters, Brian May 17, 2004
موسوعة الفتاوى
Hitti, History of the Arabs, 10th edition 1970 , p