ابراهيم البليهي. إبراهيم البليهي

From his studies he has concluded that has several deep cultural principles that make it more dynamic and more , and therefore able to develop faster, through empowering and
The excellence of the West lies not in its accomplishments in the sciences, arts and technology, but rather, these accomplishments are the outgrowth of the West's respect for profit, the free system, its liberty, and the establishment of government in the service of the people—the government belongs to the people, and they do not belong to it as like in all other countries of the world While he is a devout , he is highly critical of the way Islam is publicly practised and the degree to which modern are governed by it

إبراهيم البليهي

These principles developed in the West over centuries, beginning in and gaining power in the.

Ibrahim Al
My deep anxiety impelled me to study our history and culture in depth in search of the source of the flaw, and also led me to devote attention to the triumphant Western civilization, beginning with Greek philosophical thought, continuing through the political, social, scientific, anthropological and other achievements of the West
إبراهيم البليهي: القادة الحاسمون يفرضون التغيير... سيد قطب صادَم العالم
Thus while Arab public society would develop along free, modern and lines, the heritage of would still provide the spiritual backbone of Arab civilization
إبراهيم البليهي
The Middle East Media Research Institute
I became convinced that Western civilization is exceptional and pioneering, and is not an extension of the previous civilizations: it is civilization par excellence This is a change, unprecedented in human history, and the source of everything that the human being experiences of the amazing changes in all aspects of life
I learned early in my life that a dreadful flaw afflicts the lives of others, but at first I did not understand the reasons He concluded that other non-Western cultures, such as , and were able to advance to a high level of development and freedom only by taking and incorporating these crucial principles from the West

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" [ ] He has written a book titled The Qualitative Changes in Human Civilization.

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The Qualitative Changes in Human Civilization References [ ]• By incorporating these principles in their , countries such as Japan managed to actually invigorate their culture and prevent it from , while simultaneously matching the West in power, freedom and standard of living
إبراهيم البليهي
He blames the failure of Arab societies to develop and innovate on their refusal to learn from other civilizations or to criticize the of their own society
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His concern with the decline of the condition of the Arabs has led him to conclude that "
the situation in Saudi Arabia is sad and shameful, so it is clearly necessary not only to be concerned but to be deeply anxious
The Middle East Media Research Institute Biography [ ] Albleahy has held a range of positions in government and business throughout his life

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Aside from his position on the Shura Council, he is involved in a variety of organizations in Saudi.

السلام على مفكرنا ابراهيم البليهي
مؤسسة مؤمنون بلا حدود للدراسات والأبحاث
The central concern of his writings is the relative decline of , compared to the other civilizations of the world
إبراهيم البليهي
He advocates the incorporation of modern and in the heart of Arab culture, as it was in Japan