انواع المعادن. ما هي أنواع المعادن

a group of silicate minerals• Varieties that are not valid species:• , a rock composed of feldspar, epidote and quartz• gem corundum of any color except red, especially blue varieties• a brown or black variety of quartz• fibrous serpentine- or amphibole minerals• Varieties that are not valid species:• Varieties that are not valid species:• a monochromatic banded variety of chalcedony• Varieties that are not valid species:• gem variety of grossularite garnet U• synonym of smoky quartz N• group name - asbestiform serpentine• Varieties that are not valid species:• Varieties that are not valid species:• red gem variety of beryl C Native• Varieties that are not valid species:• a massive impure form of uraninite• a group of silicate minerals• Varieties that are not valid species:• variety of calcite M Muscovite• a variety of amber T Massive in matrix with quartz from , Varieties that are not valid species:• Varieties that are not valid species:• metamorphic rock - zoisite, ruby, and hornblende• Varieties that are not valid species:• Varieties that are not valid species:•
short for minerals of the columbite group• light blue variety of beryl• a group of closely-related minerals in the zeolite group• Varieties that are not valid species:• Varieties that are not valid species:• Varieties that are not valid species:• Iron oxide cemented soil or sediment G• Varieties that are not valid species:• a group of silicate minerals• green gem variety of beryl Varieties that are not valid species:• A chromian variety of Illite

أنواع المعادن

tough, green mineral either jadeite or amphibole• variety of chrysoberyl D The slightly misshapen octahedral shape of this rough crystal in matrix is typical of the mineral.

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