الدفاع المدني بالانجليزي. ما أهمية الدفاع المدني

It is those emergency measures taken by the civilian when there is hostility or sabotage As an expression of civil defense, disasters may claim the lives of many people if education and preparation are not done
Use the media to achieve the objectives of civil defense

مديرية الدفاع المدني

It has also authorized the expansion of the Civil Defense Corps and the creation of rules and regulations for civil defense.

موضوع عن الدفاع المدني بالانجليزي
The government works hard day and night to protect and defend civilians against enemy attacks, above are phrases about civil defense in English that reveal what civil defense gives people, and its records are divided as follows
موضوع عن الدفاع المدني
Preparedness avoids the individual from falling into disasters or any sudden event
الدفاع المدني
Society must always be reminded of the people who sacrificed themselves from For a better world
It intervenes during calamities such as floods or earthquakes, disasters chemical and nuclear accidents and accidents accidents :Civil Defense in the event of war Public interests are undermined for the sake of necessities or for the improvement and repair of land, and orders may be issued to acquire or improve land In order to use them to establish facilities or emergency repairs, as places to rescue the injured and sick, or to shelter
Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange Prepare volunteers to do the work of civil defense

تقرير عن الدفاع المدني

As an expression of civil defense, disasters may claim the lives of many people if education and preparation are not done.

مديرية الدفاع المدني
Create rooms and operations centers, civil defense, setting the general specifications of the caches and supervision to protect the population
تقرير عن الدفاع المدني
It develops contingency plans so that security services can respond quickly and effectively in situations where the lives, health or safety of large numbers of people are at risk earthquake, forest fire, flood , ecological disaster, epidemic, civil war, etc
كلام جميل عن الدفاع المدني بالعربي والإنجليزي • موقع مصري
Self-protection measures are the key to survival in order to spread awareness of protection issues that concern the state