الانعاش القلبي الرئوي. 7 خطوات أساسية للإنعاش القلبي الرئوي يجب أن يعرفها الجميع

You can put your questions, queries, observations and any topic that matter the good practice of CPR in the kingdom We will soon launch a community and instructors blog to be more close and realistic
"Part 1: executive summary: 2010 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations" In order to do that the committee developed a web portal to automate all the process needed to keep on the quality and to maintain the continuous development of the science to serve the humanity worldwide

الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي CPR للأطفال الرضع والأولاد والبالغين

The science that deals with human life the most worthy life on the universe.

7 خطوات أساسية للإنعاش القلبي الرئوي يجب أن يعرفها الجميع
All users can enjoy our new videos at the home page
الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي CPR للأطفال الرضع والأولاد والبالغين
By, assuring the quality in presenting this science
«CPR».. «الصحة» توضح طريقة الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي
Dear all we develop this blog for you to have interactive healthy discussions between each others including seniors, faculties and the experts in the science of CPR
122 16 Suppl 2 : S250—75 All trainees and instructors can enjoy the up to date science through log in to their accounts
"Part 1: executive summary: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care" University of Washington School of Medicine

الإسعافات الأولية

Nowadays, the committee continues its commitment to the resuscitation science.

كيفية إجراء الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي للأطفال: 13 خطوة (صور توضيحية)
Saud Heart Association is happy to launch beta version of our cpr portal and it will work smoothly like old one, all your information is tranferred to new beta version, if you still familiar to use old one please
The old version will remain online untill 2 months
الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي CPR للأطفال الرضع والأولاد والبالغين
122 18 Suppl 3 : S640—56 We believe that the web portal will be flexible in use by all users and controlling all the manual process with an easy tracing to all users profile
It worked through building up the human capabilities for training the CPR courses and accreditation of training sites centers at governmental and private level We are happy to be part of this success through your valuable comments

Cpr الانعاش نت القلبى الرئوى


7 خطوات أساسية للإنعاش القلبي الرئوي يجب أن يعرفها الجميع
الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي CPR للأطفال الرضع والأولاد والبالغين
الإسعافات الأولية