يداك أوكتا وفوك نفخ. لأوباما أقول: يداك أوكتا وفوك نفخ!

and it became a saying that is said when one is the reason for his own demise The man could not swim either and as he had witnessed the whole thing from the beginning he answered back to the drowning man the above words

قاموس معاجم: معنى و شرح يداك أوكت وفوك نفخ في معجم عربي عربي أو قاموس عربي عربي وأفضل قواميس اللغة العربية

the rope that he tightened to keep the air he blew in it was not tight enough to keep the air in… As he was drowning he screamed for help to a person who was chilling by the river for help.

قصة مثل.. یداک أوکتا وفوک نفخ
معنى مقولة يداك أوكتا وفوك نفخ
يداك أوكتا وفوك نفخ

ماكرون ... أَوْكتا وفوكَ


ماكرون ... أَوْكتا وفوكَ
صوت السلف
يداك أوكتا وفوك نفخ