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rosenbaum, JL; Witman G November 2002 "Metabolism of oxygen radicals in peroxisomes and cellular implications"
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology "The organization of ribosomal RNA processing correlates with the distribution of nucleolar snRNAs"


Hao, L; Thein M; Brust-Mascher I; Civelekoglu-Scholey G; Lu Y; Acar S; Prevo B; Shaham S; Scholey JM 2011.

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"Birth of a nucleolus: the evolution of nucleolar compartments"
الخلايا الوحيدة التي تخلو من العضيات هي خلايا
; Brad Williamson; Robin J
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Jesse Gray; Shana Groeschler; Tony Le; Zara Gonzalez 2002
Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall The Immune System, Peter Parham, Garland Science, 2nd edition• Ishikawa H, Kubo A, Tsukita S, Tsukita S May 2005
Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments "Birth of a nucleolus: the evolution of nucleolar compartments"


Beven AF, Lee R, Razaz M, Leader DJ, Brown JW, Shaw PJ 1 June 1996.

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"Ribosome binding of a single copy of the SecY complex: implications for protein translocation"
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Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
الخلايا الوحيدة التي تخلو من العضيات هي خلايا
rosenbaum, JL; Witman G November 2002