On each tail are three hundred and sixty poisonous quills | The sixth earth is called Sijjin |
Pleiades is one of the twenty-eight "lunar stations" that Arabs consider the moon to go through throughout the year | The second earth is called Khalada, wherein are the implements of torture for the inhabitants of Hell |
" Tales of the Prophets-Qisas al-anbiya, trans.
1When the fire is kindled the fuel is placed on their breasts, and the flames leap up onto their faces, as He hath said: The fire whose fuel is men and stones 2:24 , and Fire shall cover their faces 14:50 | , Distributed by Kazi Publications; Chicago, IL 1997], pp |
The inhabitants thereof are a nation called Qays, who eat dirt and drink mothers' milk |
Three of the names Vilon, Raki'a, Ma'on are used by both Muslim and Jewish sources.
13Arabs associate Pleiades with good luck, especially when comparing it to the lunar station immediately after it, Aldebaran | Muslim believe we occupy the first of seven earths, and look up to see the first of seven heavens, that God created |
The fourth earth is called Haraba, wherein dwell the snakes of Hell, which are as large as mountains | It's the Ancient Arab way of keeping track of the seasons even though they use a lunar calendar, because a certain "lunar station" always corresponds to a certain time of the solar calendar |
With this wind God destroyed the people of Ad.