مكان الكبد. كبد

"Canals of Hering: Recent Insights and Current Knowledge" National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Now among people in a primitive state of culture the soul is almost invariably supposed to reside in the liver instead of in the heart or brain "The role of the liver in the production of thrombopoietin compared with erythropoietin"

مشكلات الكبد

In: Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management.

9 أعراض مبكرة لمشاكل الكبد... فلا تتجاهلها!
Chu, Jaime; Sadler, Kirsten C
مشكلات الكبد
Approach to the patient with liver disease
مكان الكبد فى جسم الانسان.. ووظائفه وأخطر الأمراض والتحاليل المهمة
"p75 Neurotrophin receptor is a marker for precursors of stellate cells and portal fibroblasts in mouse fetal liver"
Textbook of Anatomy with Colour Atlas Hepatic drug metabolism and liver disease caused by drugs
; Coggeshall, Megan; Cornaby, Leslie; Dandona, Lalit; Dicker, Daniel J "Anatomy of the hepatic hilar area: the plate system"

دهون الكبد: تعريفها، أعراضها، أسبابها، علاجها، أضرارها

Liver disease caused by anesthetics, chemicals, toxins, and herbal preparations.

مكان الكبد بالجسم
National Center for Complementary Integrative Health
اين يقع الكبد في جسم الانسان بالصور
Guo, Bin; Zhang, Shicui; Wang, Shaohui; Liang, Yujun 2009
مكان الكبد في الجسم
Approach to the patient with liver disease