قد جعلها ربي حقا. تفسير الآية 100 من سورة يوسف

Besides, those commentators arc absolutely wrong who suppose that in the former laws, sajadah in the present Islamic sense was allowed as a mark of respect laws He was indeed good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you all here out of the desert, even after Satan had sown enmity between me and my brothers
this is the fulfilment of my vision of old! He was certainly gracious to me when He brought me out of the prison and brought you over from the desert after that Satan had incited ill feeling between me and my brothers Allah hath made it come true! Dan berkata Yusuf, "Wahai ayahku! This speech which was made by a Believer from among the Israelites a thousand years before the Revelation of the Qur'an, is conclusive on the point


Inilah takwil mimpiku yang dahulu itu, sesungguhnya Rabbku telah menjadikannya suatu kenyataan.

ورفع أبويه على العرش وخروا له سجدا ۖ وقال يا أبت هذا تأويل رؤياي من قبل قد جعلها ربي حقا ۖ وقد أحسن بي إذ أخرجني من السجن وجاء بكم من البدو من بعد أن نزغ الشيطان بيني وبين إخوتي ۚ إن ربي لطيف لما يشاء ۚ إنه هو العليم الحكيم
He the father said: "O my son! " The Talmud Selections by H
It is a fact that my Lord fulfils His designs in mysterious ways, for He is All-Knowing, All-Wise
المهدي وغيبات الأنبياء/النداء السماوي في شهر الله/قد جعلها ربي حقا
Sesungguhnya Dialah Yang Maha Mengetahui tentang makhluk-Nya lagi Maha Bijaksana
Sesungguhnya Rabbku Maha Lembut terhadap apa yang Dia kehendaki
Untuk itu berkata seraya berdoa:• Scholars of Tafsir explained that in Yusuf's dream the eleven stars represent his brothers, who were eleven, and the sun and the moon represent his father and mother It is His grace that He took me out of the prison and brought you to me from the desert after Satan had stirred up strife between me and my brothers

تفسير الآية 100 من سورة يوسف

Scholars of Tafsir explained that in Yusuf's dream the eleven stars represent his brothers, who were eleven, and the sun and the moon represent his father and mother.

لماذا قال الله أبويه ولم يقل والديه في سورة يوسف؟
Somali - Abduh : Wuxuuna u koryeelay labada waalid Kursigii Waxayna ula hoobteen Sujuud Salaan wuxuuna yidhi Aabbow waatan Fasirkii Riyadaydii horay Wuxuu ka yeelay Eebahay Xaq sugan wuuna ii Wanaag falay Markuu iga soo Bixiyay Xabbiska idinkana keenay Baadiyaha Kadib intuu Shaydaan fasaadiyay ani iyo Walaalahay Dhexdanada Eebahayna waa u turaha wuxuu Doono waana Oge falsan• " "Yea are foolish," answered Mordecai, "aye, wanting in reason
آیه 100 سوره یوسف
My Lord hath made it true, and He hath shown me kindness, since He took me out of the prison and hath brought you from the desert after Satan had made strife between me and my brethren
يوسف ويعقوب .. 90 سنة في انتظار تحقق وعد الله
Further on it says that when the children of Heath gave a field and a cave as a burying place for Sarah, Prophet Abraham was so grateful to them that "he stood up and bowed himself to the people of the land, even to the children of Heth," Gen
And he raised his parents high on the throne of dignity , and they fell down in prostration, all before him Lalu Nabi Yusuf membawa jenazah ayahnya ke tempat yang diisyaratkannya dalam wasiat dan mengebumikannya di tempat tersebut
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 他请他的双亲坐在高座上,他们为他而俯伏叩头,他说:我的父亲啊!这就是我以前的梦兆的解释。 English - Sahih International : And he raised his parents upon the throne and they bowed to him in prostration And he said "O my father this is the explanation of my vision of before My Lord has made it reality And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you [here] from bedouin life after Satan had induced [estrangement] between me and my brothers Indeed my Lord is Subtle in what He wills Indeed it is He who is the Knowing the Wise• Indeed my Lord is all-attentive in bringing about what He wishes this is the significance of my vision of old; my Lord has indeed made it to be true; and He was indeed kind to me when He brought me forth from the prison and brought you from the desert after the Shaitan had sown dissensions between me and my brothers, surely my Lord is benignant to whom He pleases; surely He is the Knowing, the Wise

وخروا له سجدا

There are many instances of this in the Bible.

المهدي وغيبات الأنبياء/النداء السماوي في شهر الله/قد جعلها ربي حقا
Yusuf's vision became a reality forty years later, or as some say, eighty years, when Yusuf raised his parents to the throne while his brothers were before him,
قد جعلها ربي حقا
Ketika urusannya telah sempurna kemudian ia mengetahui bahwa dirinya tidak akan abadi dalam keadaan demikian lalu hatinya menginginkan agar ia hijrah ke kerajaan yang abadi, yakni akhirat
المهدي وغيبات الأنبياء/النداء السماوي في شهر الله/قد جعلها ربي حقا
Thus there is absolutely no room for the performance of "sajadah" before any other than Allah