ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم ابن باز. تأملات في قوله تعالى: {ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى}

This Ayah carries a stern warning for the Muslim Ummah against imitating the ways and methods of the Jews and Christians, after they have acquired knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunnah, may Allah grant us refuge from this behavior But Ibn Abbas said: モThis was revealed regarding the qiblah
the Qur'an , then you would have against Allah neither any Wali protector or guardian nor any helper When Allah directed him to pray toward the Kaメbah, they were disappointed and despaired of him ever following their religion

سابع عشر: كلام الشيخ ابن باز في نقد القومية

Islamic Monotheism that is the only guidance.

یہود و نصاری کا ذبیحہ کن شرائط کے ساتھ جائز ہے؟
the guidance of Allah Himself is Guidance
سابع عشر: كلام الشيخ ابن باز في نقد القومية
Say: "The Guidance of Allah,-that is the only Guidance
آیه 120 سوره بقره
And so Allah, exalted is He, revealed this verseヤ
The commentators of the Qurメan said: モThey used to ask the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, for truce, giving him the impression that if he were to accord them truce and respite they will follow him and believe in him Say: "Verily, the guidance of Allah i
Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you O Muhammad till you follow their religion " Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah

تغلغل أعداء الإسلام في ديار المسلمين

Although the speech in this Ayah was directed at the Messenger, the ruling of which applies to his entire Ummah.

حكم التَّطبِيع مع العدو اليهودي المحتل لفلسطين وبيان مخاطره على المسلمين
Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion
واجب العلماء في بيان ملل الكفر ومذاهب الهدم
And if thou shouldst follow their desires after the knowledge which hath come unto thee, then wouldst thou have from Allah no protecting guardian nor helper
اليهود نقضة المواثيق والعهود
Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion
Therefore, do not seek what pleases or appeases them, and stick to what pleases Allah by calling them to the truth that Allah sent you with This is because the Jews of Medina and the Christians of Najran were in the hope that the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, will remain praying to their qiblah
And the Jews will not be pleased with thee, nor will the Christiansナ [2:120]

واجب العلماء في بيان ملل الكفر ومذاهب الهدم

And so Allah revealed this verseヤ.

تأملات في قوله تعالى: {ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى}
Islamic Monotheism that is the only guidance is, "A true argument that Allah taught Muhammad and his Companions and which they used against the people of misguidance
تفسير: (ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم)
" Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah
جواب شبهة حول قوله تعالى ولن ترضى عنك اليهود..
Say: "The Guidance of Allah,-that is the only Guidance