Qatadah and Ibn Zayd said likewise | Melayu - Basmeih : Dan ingatkanlah peristiwa ketika Nabi Musa berkata kepada temannya "Aku tidak akan berhenti berjalan sehingga aku sampai di tempat pertemuan dua laut itu atau aku berjalan terus bertahuntahun"• They had a goad reason to produce an instance of this because they were being challenged over and over again to refute the claim that the Qur'an was a revealed book and it had no other source than Divine Knowledge and that if they said that it was a human work, they were to prove this by bringing the like of it |
The Bible does not say anything about this event but the Talmud does relate this though it assigns it to Rabbi Jochanan, the son of Levi, instead of to Prophet Moses, and according to it the other person was Elijah who had been taken up alive to heaven and joined with the angels for the purpose of the administration of the world | 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 当时,穆萨对他的僮仆说:我将不停步,直到我到达两海相交处,或继续旅行若干年。 On the other hand, when the believers see those things, they become so frustrated and disheartened that sometimes their faiths are put to x very hard trial |
" X: 88 If our conjecture is correct, then it may be concluded that probably this event took place during Prophet Moses' journey to Sudan, and by the confluence of the rivers is meant the site of the present city of Khartum where the Blue Nile and the White Nile meet together.
But it is a pity that some Muslims have beenso influenced by the Talmud that they opine that in this story Moses does not refer to Prophet Moses but to some other person bearing the same name | Why should their research be confined to prove that those books are the real source of the stories of the Qur'an and not to consider the other possibility that the Qur'an itself was a revealed bOOk? This is because these malicious "scholars " decide beforehand that their "scientific research " must lead to the conclusion that the Qur'an is not a revealed book: therefore they have, anyhow or other, to produce a proof that whatever Muhammad Allah's peace be upon him has presented as Revelation, has been plagiarized from such and such "sources " |
However, if we consider the details of this story, two things are quite obvious: 1 These things would have been demonstrated to Prophet Moses in the earlier period of his Prophethood because such things are needed in the beginning of Prophethood for the teaching and training of the Prophets |
The disbelievers and the tyrants conclude from this that the world is functioning without any moral laws and has no sovereign, and, if there is one, he must be senseless and unjust: therefore one may do whatever one desires for there is none to whom one shall be accountable | Now let us consider the question: when and where did this event take place? If it is not so and your allegation is based on a couple of journeys which the Holy Prophet made outside Arabia, a question arises: How many books did the Holy Prophet copy or commit to memory during these trade journeys before his Prophethood? |
On the basis of these two things, we are of the opinion and correct Knowledge is with Allah alone that this event relates to the period, when the persecution of the Israelites by Pharaoh was at its height and, like the chiefs of the Quraish, Pharaoh and his courtiers were deluded by delay in the scourge that there was no power above them to take them to task, and like the persecuted Muslims of Makkah, the persecuted Muslims of Egypt were crying in their agony, as if to say, "Our Lord! 2 Do you possess any knowledge that at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an there was a library at Makkah from which the Holy Prophet collected material for the Qur'an? The Qur'an says nothing about this |