مجموعة الأطوال الموجية الكهرومغناطيسية التي تنبعث من الذرة تسمى. الفصل 5 (الذرة)

Saidman, Jean 15 May 1933 The foveal sensitivity to several near-infrared laser wavelengths was measured
If the radiation is absorbed by a surface, the momentum drops to zero and a force is exerted on the surface


the electromagnetic wave must have the following properties: 1 The field pattern travels with speed c speed of light ; 2 At every point within the wave.

A continuous 1064 nm laser source appeared red, but a 1060 nm pulsed laser source appeared green, which suggests the presence of second harmonic generation in the retina
المجال الكهرومغناطيسي
This can be extended to a range of 310 to 1,050 nm under artificial conditions
الفصل 5 (الذرة)
A continuous 1064 nm laser source appeared red, but a 1060 nm pulsed laser source appeared green, which suggests the presence of second harmonic generation in the retina
;p 320 "An electromagnetic wave carries forward momentum The foveal sensitivity to several near-infrared laser wavelengths was measured
Ohannesian, Lena; Streeter, Anthony 9 November 2001 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London


[The visibility of the ultraviolet to the wave length of 3130].

the electric field strength E equals "c" times the magnetic field strength B; 3 The electric field and the magnetic field are perpendicular to one another and to the direction of travel, or propagation
She, Alan; Capasso, Federico 17 May 2016
for evidence of quantum damage from visible light via reactive oxygen species generated in skin
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Physics for Engineering and Science, p427 2nd ed
This is called the visible part of the spectrum "Experiments on the Refrangibility of the Invisible Rays of the Sun


It was found that the eye could respond to radiation at wavelengths at least as far as 1064 nm.

Saidman, Jean 15 May 1933
Normally the human eye responds to light rays from 390 to 760 nm
This is called the visible part of the spectrum